Religion is another one of the oldest and most powerful components in human society. In so doing it has influenced cultures, laws. Even philosophies in different civilizations at various time. To some it provides reassurance, direction, and a meaning. But religion cannot take without its problems. Even in its potential to nourish and establish harmony and togetherness. Negative Effects of Religion has provoked a lot of strife, war, and suffering. This paper aims at discussing the drawbacks of having religion in one’s life as well as in the society. More precisely, some topics we will pay more attention. To include prejudice, aggression, censorship, sexism, and manipulation of followers.
Negative effects of religion – Religious Intolerance
First, the negative effects of religion institution depend on is intolerance. Religious censorship is appropriate to the extent. For example, that religious groups emphasize the manifest destiny of their religion. Reject beliefs widely shared by other religious groups. Therefore, if the participants in a study feel. That their religion is the only right way to practice. They tend to become hostile towards those with dissimilar beliefs. As a result, it may cause discrimination, hatred. Persecution of individuals who are belonging to that particular religion.
In addition, religious intolerance can cause fractions in families. In the society and among nations. For example, the Christian and Muslim civil wars. In Nigeria have been ravaging for the past many years. The same is saying for India. where there has been the confrontation between Hindus and Muslims. Which has led to bloodshed besides destruction of people’s property. These examples demonstrate that the religious intolerance gives stimulus. To social tensions and forms the permanent basis of division.
Negative effects of religion – Religious Violence
War has always fueled by Religion across the world all through the centuries. For instance, religious wars like crusades and the thirty-year war, have led to mass killings. Recall contemporary conflicts and observe. That the reason for armed conflicts remains the conflict of religions. Notably, Alshabab, ISIS and Boko Haram, have religion. As their cover hence engaging in terrorism, and mass killings.
However, that is not all religious violence is; there is also internal violent conflict. Among members of the same religious group. Inside different religions there can also be war. For instance, in certain Islamic Surah governments employ sharia laws. Hence, any sinful behaviour is punishable by flogging, stoning, or execution. It is usually targeted on the perceived sexual immoralities. For instance, women whom accused of engagement in adultery. Any other different inclined individuals, for instance, atheists, blasphemers, etc.
Negative effects of religion – Suppression of Critical Thinking
One more unfavourable result of such considerations. That religion stifles rationality and intellectual liberty. Most religions teach followers to take an umbrella and never look. At its make, colour or design on the handle. Therefore, blind trust can prevent individuals from considering newer thoughts. Even proposition or questioning conventions. Every now and then, it can see that religious leader, will advise against. The use of scientific methods of research or even condemn it outright.
For instance, in Middle Ages, the geographic knowledge and science. Which deduced a different picture of the world rejected by Catholic Church. As is well known, Copernicus. Who proposed the heliocentric theory, intrinsically putting the sun. Instead of the Earth at the center of the universe prosecuted. Despite the evidences in present scientific world, evolution and climate change remain forbidden. Forbidden in some of the conservative religious communities even today.
Negative effects of religion – Gender Inequality
The social gender also determined by religion in maintaining gender inequality. For example; most of the religious scriptures and cultures. Try to dominate women by providing men with higher authority. For these reasons, women in some religious societies have limited liberties. Constantly receive restricted access to education, work. Even the right to make decisions over own’s body.
For instance, in some of the conservative Islamic nation’s women forced to dress in clothes. That are acceptable under the tenets of Islam penalized under the law. If they dress against culture. Also same in many protestant sister churches, women deprived. From all forms of leadership within most churches. These restrictions hence translate to the reinforcement. Patriarchal cultures and a constrain of women destinies.
Besides, they show that gender inequality in religion goes further. Then women’s right abuses and encompasses women’s identity and value as well. This could also depict religion beliefs in women as inferior to men. Such indoctrinations internalized. It in turn means that it can affect women psychologically. As well as economically and even socially for the rest of their lives.
Negative effects of religion – Restriction of the freedom of people
Last of all, religion is a constraint because it places limits on how people choose to live. What they think or even do. Religions also dictate how men and women should be dressed and fed. To whom they should be married, and how to train their kids. To some extent they serve as de-facto principles. For regulation of behaviour for some people. But for others, they may be perceiving them as dull and boring as well as claustrophobic.
For instance, in some religious culture within certain religious groups of family, young men. Women barred from dating, drinking alcohol or participating in certain programs. Therefore, these rules can block public representer sovereignty and restrict personal freedom. At times religious laws implemented by the state. Such as in KSA and Iran the Sharia strict religious laws. Apply in every sphere of life leaving minimal freedom for the individual.

Therefore, there is no doubt that negative effects of religion had a great impact on the lives of people. However, the positive impact could not completely obscure the negative impact. This paper aims at establishing that religion. As a social institution, has negative effects on individuals and societies. By promoting intolerance and violence, censorship of free thought, and repression of individuality. Thus, one must talk about them. While encouraging people to become less prejudiced towards spirituality. In this way it is possible to decrease the negative. Impact of religious fundamentalism and create a world. In which people respect one another.